CSR Core Categories

CSR Core Categories, Priority Themes and Main Targets

In conjunction with the formulation of the mid-term management plan VISION 2022 in fiscal 2018, we revised the CSR core categories and priority themes as presented below. We also set main targets including new key performance indicators for fiscal 2022 in a way to link them to VISION 2022, instead of setting separate targets for each fiscal year, and we have been working for the targets.

In the process of selecting the categories and themes, we focused on the two key aspects of “materiality for society” (level of expectation from society) and “materiality for the Sumitomo Electric Group” (contribution to problem solution and contribution to growth of the Group). We also referred to CSR guidelines and had interviews with managers in the divisions of the Company to prepare a draft plan, which was revised repeatedly through discussions in the CSR Promotion Committee. Then, the final plan was approved to eventually decide the new categories and themes.

CSR Core Categories
CSR Core Categories